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Regulatory Compliance and Engineering Excellence
驾驭严格的监管环境,包括FDA的指导方针,是我们的强项. 在花蜜, 我们不仅精通FDA法规,而且对工程标准采取全面的方法. 我们的多学科工程师pg电子游戏哪个平台好, 由机械, 电, 软件, 固件专家, ensures that your design aligns with the highest industry standards, 覆盖人体工程学, 安全, 材料, 和更多的.
我们方法的核心是对pg电子游戏哪个平台好和市场所要求的技术标准的承诺, including medical or industrial 安全 standards such as IEC 60601, 机械公差,如IEC 610GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing) and ANSI/ASME Y14.5, and Software Development Standards such as IEC 62304. These standards serve as globally harmonized documentation requirements, 确保问责, 全世界的理解和接受.
We understand the importance of designing parts for ease of 测试. Whether it’s electronics boards or intricate components, our designs are meticulously crafted to facilitate probing and 测试, ensuring that the final product meets and exceeds expectations.
Our design philosophy goes beyond aesthetics; it ensures efficient parts break-ups and fit leading to error-free assembly. 根据产品和pg电子游戏哪个平台好的需要创建基本的装配说明或详细的工作说明. Every piece fits seamlessly into the larger puzzle, reducing manufacturing errors and enhancing product quality.
我们的生产努力的高潮围绕着充分的测试,以保证产品超出pg电子游戏哪个平台好的期望. 我们确保严格控制修订和测试,以确保每次构建正确的产品.
Nectar分享了产品经理对产品生命周期总拥有成本的担忧, 超过最初的购买成本. 设备经过精心设计和制造,以促进具有成本效益的维修, 维护, 和升级.
If you have questions or require further information about our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. 我们致力于指导您的产品完成从设计到成功制造的复杂旅程, with unwavering adherence to technical standards.
User centered design is at the center of everything we do. 如果您想加深对以用户为中心的设计的理解,请在这里下载我们的电子书.
达伦是一位多才多艺、充满活力的领导者,他创立了Nectar、X-Naut和BreathDirect. 他致力于通过技术、科学和艺术的综合来改善世界. 在达伦的领导下, 甘露利用尖端技术的最新进展来改变医疗设备的开发和设计. 作为他的
Dr. Steve Wells在指导Nectar的运营和确定其战略方向方面发挥着关键作用. 他卓有成效的领导为公司的成功开辟了一条清晰的道路. 自2020年掌舵以来,他以利用专家资源最大化影响力的热情重振了公司. 史蒂夫提升了甘露的pg电子游戏哪个平台好, 简化流程, 并重振其创新议程, all with the goal of developing life-saving and impactful products. 他在乔治菲舍尔担任高级领导职务的背景和他以人为本的思想, 以结果为导向的领导风格使他成为我们pg电子游戏哪个平台好的宝贵财富. 史蒂夫丰富的化学知识, 生物相容性, and biology only adds to his value as a team member.
亚当貂自2006年以来一直在航空航天和消费品行业工作,在概念设计方面拥有领先的工程经验, 产品开发, analysis and performance qualification 测试. Adam has experience leading a range of technical projects, 包括军事和航空航天应用的多种结构分析. 他还直接与工程pg电子游戏哪个平台好合作开发医疗设备和实验室仪器.
With over two decades of experience in healthcare innovation, 凯瑞在改变全球患者护理和改善患者预后方面发挥了重要作用. 她在心血管和心胸外科手术室的丰富知识和专业知识, as well as her experience in emergency medicine, 老年病学, 儿童精神病学, 主OR, make her a versatile and valuable member of the team. From small hospitals to large teaching institutions, Kerry’s 20 years of experience with patient documentation, 包括EPIC的使用, 欧洲核子研究中心, 和Meditech电子制图系统, have positioned her as a leader in her field. Her recent involvement in helping transition the Providence St. 文森特医疗中心的心脏外科cq9电子游戏平台网址从纸质图表到电子文档进一步强调了她对推动医疗保健行业发展的承诺.